Wentworth Williamson Stable Income Fund

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Private credit investing

The Wentworth Williamson Stable Income Fund seeks to generate consistent monthly income for wholesale investors by investing primarily into unlisted credit securities that have the potential of generating income over the long term for investors*. Capital preservation and income generation are key objectives of our investing process.

Request for Quarterly Reports

* Investment income and the return of investment capital are not guaranteed. The Fund is invested into unlisted debt securities which may be illiquid and contain the risk of default by the issuer as well as other risks, some of which are outlined in the Information Memorandum. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Any distributions from the Fund depend on the success of the Fund’s underlying investments and are at the Trustee’s discretion.


Fund distribution performance

* Assumes reinvestment of monthly distribution and annualised monthly returns

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Any distributions from the Fund depend on the success of the Fund’s underlying investments and are at the Trustee’s discretion. Further information on returns is included in the Information Memorandum.

Let’s build something together

    Insights: Earning Income from Non-Bank Lending in Australia

    Private credit funds such as Wentworth Williamson Stable Income Fund seek to earn income yield for investor clients by being a source of wholesale funds to non-bank borrowers.

    Read more

    Fund details

    Nature of Offer

    Units in Wentworth Williamson Stable Income Fund (“WWSIF”, “Fund”).

    Investment manager and Trustee

    Wentworth Williamson Management Pty Limited (ACN 164 774 814) Corporate Authorized Representative (Australian Financial Services (AFS) Representative No. 445865) of MZL Nominees Pty Ltd (ACN 642 588 627) which holds AFS Licence No. 526845) which authorizes Wentworth Williamson Management Pty Limited to operate the Fund as an unregistered managed investment scheme.

    Distributions *

    Monthly at the discretion of the Trustee , with a reinvestment option offered to investors.

    Investment Universe*

    • Unlisted proprietary assets; a meaningful proportion of the Fund’s assets will comprise unlisted securities and products which are unique and not generally available to the investing public
    • Government and corporate bonds, listed and unlisted convertible notes, listed and unlisted debt instruments
    • Cash

    Minimum investment

    $50,000 or less at the discretion of the Trustee.

    *Investment income and the return of investment capital are not guaranteed. The Fund is invested into unlisted debt securities which may be illiquid and contain the risk of default by the issuer as well as other risks, some of which are outlined in the Information Memorandum. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Any distributions from the Fund depend on the success of the Fund’s underlying investments and are at the Trustee’s discretion.

    Theoretical investment horizon

    Minimum 3 Years.


    Monthly by Wholesale Investors only.

    Unit pricing



    Netwealth, PowerWrap, Macquarie.

    Management fee

    1% excluding GST.


    Subject to fund liquidity and Trustee discretion, redemptions may be processed in the quarter following the quarter in which a redemption notice is received. A 0.25% redemption fee is payable.

    Registry and administration

    Automic Pty Ltd.


    Sandhurst Trustees Limited.

    Information memorandum

    The information memorandum is available here and should be read in full before making a decision whether to invest.

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